Visit Tavistock

We were asked by Tavistock Bid to build a new website to showcase Tavistock as a visitor destination. It had to be user friendly and easy to update and manage by the Tavistock Bid team. VIew website

Blue Slates

New to the world of holiday letting Viv asked us for advice in setting up a holiday apartment and for us to help with photography, copywriting, marketing and building her a website. VIew website

Chagford Show

The Chagford Show is a traditional annual event just outside the award winning village of Chagford. Whilst celebrating traditional rural life and providing a wonderful day out for the whole family. We have been designing and printing all the material that goes with the Chagford Show for several years now and to complete the package… Continue reading Chagford Show

Chagford Film Festival

The Chagford Film Festival is a unique festival which takes place every year during the last week of September with events throughout the daytime and evening. It kicks off with an opening night gala on Monday and finishes with a spectacular street event on Saturday. It alway has an amazing line-up of eclectic films, special… Continue reading Chagford Film Festival

Improvement Solutions

We were asked by Improvement Solutions to update a now outdated website incorporating their new logo and corporate colours. VIew website

The Valiant Soldier

VIew website

East Dart Inn

VIew website

Bed & Breakfast Plus

VIew website